General City Forms
General City Applications and Informational Documents.
General City Applications and Informational Documents.
Don’t forget to visit the New Carlisle BMV when it comes time to get new tags, renewing your license, change titles, etc. It is very important that we utilize this service when we can so we can keep this location open in New Carlisle for our convenience.
The City owned and operated “New Carlisle Pool” is open Memorial Day Weekend through Mid-August. Group rates available for birthday parties, family reunions and private or company after-hour parties. Credit & Debit Cards accepted.
If you do not have a Federal Extension, all City Income Tax Returns and taxes due must be mailed (postmarked) to CCA-Division of Taxation by the above due date. Be advised that an Extension only grants additional time to file your tax return, not to pay. Any tax due must be paid with the Extension by the original due date of the income tax return.
Options for filing and obtaining assistance with your New Carlisle tax return are shown below:
1. CCA – Copies of related tax documents (W-2’s, 1099’s, Federal Schedules, etc.) along with a CCA Tax Assistance Form may be mailed to or dropped off at a location shown on the bottom of the form. CCA’s Tax Assistance Form is available here. This form is also available on CCA’s website at and at the New Carlisle Income Tax Department at 331 S. Church Street. The form and documents must be received by CCA by April 1st to avoid potential penalty and interest. The tax return will be prepared, and a copy will be returned to you along with a tax bill if there is a balance due. If you have any questions, please contact CCA at 800-223-6317.
2. City of New Carlisle – Place tax documents (W-2’s, 1099’s, Federal Schedules, etc.) in an envelope with a note providing the following: social security number (if not fully shown on the tax document), amount of any estimated tax payments made, and your phone number. Note Tax Department on the front of the envelope and drop it in the New Carlisle water payment drop box in the foyer of the City Offices at 331 S. Church Street. After completion, you will be called to schedule an appointment to review and pick up your tax return. An envelope will be given to you for mailing the tax return, documents, and any tax due to CCA, and a copy of the return will be provided for your records. If you need personalized assistance, you may contact Colleen Rhea, Tax Administrator at 937-845-9492 to schedule an appointment. Please note the last day to drop off tax information in the New Carlisle water payment drop box or to schedule an in-person appointment will be April 8th.
4. Tax Professional – Contact an individual tax preparer or firm to prepare your city tax return. Sign, date and mail the return with required tax documents and any payment due to CCA.
5. Self-prepare – Obtain a form for the correct tax year from CCA’s website or take one from the foyer at the New Carlisle City Offices. Snap a photo of the highlighted sample tax returns hanging on the wall. Complete and mail your tax return to CCA-Division of Taxation along with the required documents and any payment due to the address indicated on the bottom of the form. If this is not your first year filing for New Carlisle, you may file your tax return electronically though CCA’S eFile via the above-mentioned website. CCA’s updated eFile will now allow a taxpayer to create and file a W-2 form that has multiple withholding municipalities (Boxes 18-20).
The Heritage of Flight Festival boasts a impressive array of events and activities on Main Street in beautiful New Carlisle, Ohio. Held annually on the first weekend in October, this event has become one of southwest Ohio’s most popular festivals and features the “Parade of Planes” on Saturday.
New Carlisle’s Warning Siren is tested on the first Monday of each month at approximately 10 am.
Zoning, building and related permits, applications and general information.
Landlord, Property Owner, Business applications and account closure forms for water and sewer service. Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter Inspection Application and Plumbing Inspection info.