Code Compliance enforces the City Ordinances related to the Exterior Property Maintenance and Zoning Codes — City laws that establish the minimum requirements for maintenance of buildings/exterior premises in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. The purpose of these codes art to prevent properties from becoming a blighting influence.
Code Compliance responds to citizen complaints by determining if a violation has occurred, alerting the responsible party that they are in violation, and enforcing compliance through the legal process. Code Compliance also conducts routine periodic inspections of existing residential and commercial properties for code violations. In general, there are two types of enforcement: Zoning and Exterior Property Maintenance.
Exterior premises, including dwelling structures and outbuildings, must be maintained so that they reflect a level of maintenance in keeping with the residential standards of the immediate neighborhood. The buildings and exterior property should not constitute a blighting factor for adjoining property owners nor lead to the progressive deterioration and downgrading of the immediate neighborhood. The owner of the property is responsible for keeping it in compliance with the Exterior Property Maintenance and Zoning Codes. It is the City’s intent to work with residents to bring all properties into compliance with these Codes. Nevertheless, violations of the above sections are criminal violations which could result in criminal penalties for the owner if the violations should go unresolved.
If you should receive a Notice of Violation and have questions or need more time to correct the violation(s), please contact the Code Compliance Officer listed at the bottom of your notice.