Public Services Department
Landlord, Property Owner, Business applications and account closure forms for water and sewer service. Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter Inspection Application and Plumbing Inspection info.
Landlord, Property Owner, Business applications and account closure forms for water and sewer service. Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter Inspection Application and Plumbing Inspection info.
New Carlisle City Council Special Meeting Agenda.
City Council Packets include meeting minutes, agendas, reports and related documents.
The City of New Carlisle Water Division, in compliance with the 1996 amendments to the USEPA Safe Drinking Water Act, have prepared the following report to provide information to the consumer on the quality of our drinking water. Included within this report are general health information, water quality test results, how to participate in decisions concerning your drinking water, and water system contacts.
The City of New Carlisle Water Division has prepared the following report to provide information to the consumer on our drinking water.
The subject of this report is the field evaluation of the 1,730,000 gallon standpipe in New Carlisle, Ohio. The tank is owned by the City of New Carlisle, Ohio. The field evaluation was performed on July 14, 2017 by Gregory P. Cannon, NACE Certified Coating Inspector Level 3, Certificate No. 10339,. Jamie Stewart, NACE Coating Inspector Level 1 Certified, Certificate No. 64809, and Jared Colahan, NACE Certified Inspector Level 3, Certificate No. 47251 of Tank Industry Consultants. The Owner’s representative on the site at the time of the field evaluation was Jason Rose. The column and rafter supported roof tank was of welded steel construction. According to information on the tank nameplate, the tank was built in 1975 by Chicago Bridge and Iron Company under contract number 74-20814, and had a · capacity of 1,730,000 gallons. The tank nameplate also stated that the tank diameter was 60 ft, and the nominal shell height was 82 ft.
E-Coder®)R900iTM Water Meter Installation and Maintenance Guide
Take your completed New Carlisle Pool Season Pass Application to the City Building to purchase, and pick-up your Season Pass.